And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-13
With Christ as our Head, the body of Christ at Calvary seeks to carry out the purposes of evangelism, enlisting of converts, and edification of saints through those means that are commanded by Scripture or are practically necessary in agreement with Biblical principle. As specific needs are identified, we seek to provide through the direction of the Holy Spirit those ministries and opportunities of service that will meet them. Below are some of the ministries currently functioning in our church.
Pulpit Ministry
The central ministry at Calvary is the preaching of the Bible. Expository preaching that explains the Bible teaching in its context and applies it to present day life is the most important part of church life - building faith, instructing in righteous living, and convicting of sin. Our pastor preaches through books of the Bible and teaches on Bible topics such as the family, prophecy, current spiritual issues, etc., endeavoring to preach the whole counsel of God and equip the saints.
Sunday School
These Sunday morning classes teach the Bible to all age groups and segments of our church family. Qualified teachers provide practical Bible instruction that is needed for Christian living.
Children's Church
On a regular basis, children 3 years old up to third grade are dismissed before preaching in the Sunday morning worship service to attend a service of Bible teaching and singing that is geared to their level of understanding.
Special Meetings
In addition to the yearly Missions Conference, the church schedules two other week-long revival or Bible conference meetings in which a visiting evangelist or Bible teacher will minister through preaching.
Music Ministry
In most services, congregational singing is accompanied by both piano and organ. Special vocal music is regularly presented by either the choir, a soloist, or a small ensemble during the Sunday morning worship service and during other special meetings. Offertories are regularly played on the piano. Brass, woodwind, or stringed instruments are frequently incorporated as well. Youth participation is encouraged. All music is “traditional” church music as we seek to follow Biblical guidelines for music that honors our holy Lord.
Missions Program
Our church screens, selects, and provides financial and prayer support for missionaries that are carrying out the Great Commission in our state, our nation, and around the world. We choose to support fewer missionaries with a larger percentage of their financial support, and only support those who are in agreement with our doctrinal positions and philosophy of ministry. The financial support is funded by Faith Promise giving. Regular missionary updates are given during Wednesday prayer meetings. We have a yearly Missions Conference.
Rest Home Ministry
Various members of our church hold services weekly at local assisted living and rest homes to evangelize the lost and edify saints who reside there.
Youth Ministry
In addition to Sunday school and participation in the music ministry, the church conducts a summer “Tarheel Bible Time,” travels to a summer camp for teens, and holds other times of fellowship for different ages.
Each month men’s prayer meetings and ladies’ fellowships are held. Other special times of fellowship are enjoyed and often center around meals during Homecoming, Fall Funtasia, the Christmas Program, Valentine’s Banquet, Resurrection Sunday, and other important meetings.
Our church schedules regular times of door-to-door evangelism, follow-up of visitors to our services, and visitation of those who have special needs. These organized times supplement visitation and witnessing done on a personal basis by our members.